Carlos Basketball Puppet Extended License

The  CARLOS BASKETBALL PUPPET is a male sports character with a customizable basketball uniform.  He has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  He comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  He has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync

Brandon Basketball Puppet Extended License

The  BRANDON BASKETBALL PUPPET is a male sports character with a customizable basketball uniform.  He has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  He comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  He has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync

Antonio Basketball Puppet Extended License

The ANTONIO BASKETBALL PUPPET is a male sports character with a customizable basketball uniform.  He has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  He comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  He has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync

Silly Snowpeople Extended License

SILLY SNOWPEOPLE PUPPET is a snowman.  It has customizable pupils, body shapes, neck accessories, glasses and hats.  It comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  It has head turns, face tracking, and lip sync.

Ronnie Reindeer Extended License

RONNIE REINDEER PUPPET is a reindeer character standing on all fours.  It has customizable pupils, body positions, antlers and neck accessories, glasses and hats.  It comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  It has head turns, face tracking, and lip sync.

Marion Moose Extended License

MARION MOOSE PUPPET is a standing Moose character.  It has customizable pupils, body positions and outfits, neck accessories, glasses and hats.  It comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  It has head turns, face tracking, arm IK and lip sync.

Gussie Gray Goose Extended License

The GUSSIE GRAY GOOSE PUPPET is a bird character.  It has customizable pupils, body positions, neck accessories, glasses and hats .  It comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  It has head turns, face tracking, wing IK and lip sync

Tiana Puppet Extended License

The TIANA PUPPET is a female business character with several business outfits.  She has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  She comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  She has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync.

Natalia Puppet Extended License

The NATALIA PUPPET is a female business character with several business outfits.  She has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  She comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  She has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync.

Madison Puppet Extended License

The MADISON PUPPET is a female business character with several business outfits.  She has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  She comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  She has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync.